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Have you ever wanted a one on one conversation with your favorite cousin on yo daddy’s side? A.K.A. Durand Bernarr.

Durand Bernarr

Ever thought about what advice or perspective he could offer given the life he’s lived?

Naw, he doesn’t know everything, but he knows a lot for what he’s experienced...

and still growing. 🌱


Has the idea ever popped up about what it would be like to blaze up with his crazy ass and just gossip about fuck niggas as he BURSTS into random songs about taking naps and cleaning the house?


Well... now’s your chance to have a personal one on one video chat with Durand.


Up to 5 people at a time can experience their favorite cousin in full effect via zoom at ANY random time.


Let’s keep it cute and have a good time 🤸🏽‍♂️

Request a date and time below, download the ZOOM app

and you’ll be sent an email with a PMI (Personal Meeting ID) link once payment is received.


Use the "Offline Payment" option for your payment.

Durand resides in Los Angeles so the session time you choose will be in Pacific Standard Time.


Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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